Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

03 August, 2005

Biting off more...

Well, my deadline for the first quarterly issue of GRW draws closer and to date I've received one article. Hmm...

The problem I currently face seems to have the following causes:

  • if the magazine is quarterly, then the deadlines always seem far off into the future. Motivating writers, especially those working for nothing, becomes tricky;
  • my hopes of distributing the magazine through independent bookshops in London would take too much time and effort, and is made trickier when there isn't, as yet, a magazine to sell;
  • I have absolutely no idea whether or not anyone would want to buy the magazine;
  • I can't afford to print a large enough volume of magazines to end up with a competitive price.

With these points in mind, I've decided to bring GRW back as a monthly free magazine, but rather than distribute paper copies of it, I will only publish the pdf online, taking the additional step of uploading the articles as html documents. All of the trappings and fun will remain in the pdf files, which will remain available for publishing should the urge and the cash lead me to it.

I'm setting a contribution deadline of 22nd August, with a view to getting the 'zine edited and online by the 2nd of September. In the future it may be possible for the magazine to reach a stage where it can be published more commercially, but it wasn't why I started the 'zine and shouldn't be the reason for its termination either.

I'll hopefully also be having a relaunch drinkies on Friday evening at a pub of my choosing. I'm hoping to use it to ensnare more writers in my evil web. I'll also be looking at producing paper copies on request for distribution at the shindig. Can't celebrate its rebirth in the abstract, after all.


Blogger Rob said...

I don't see why you can't celebrate it in the abstract.

It would seem very you somehow.

12:58 pm  

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