Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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25 July, 2005

Assassins Of Memory

Some dickhead posted this on the No2ID forum. Hopefully by the time you read this, the link will be broken.

I've tried to understand (but in no way agree with) Holocaust deniers, but have failed utterly. Their logic seems to be:
  1. the Holocaust never happened (this is often based on sterling pieces of evidence such as "once a load of people got stuck on a train in a tunnel, and they didn't die!" or "I can't see any chimneys on these aerial photos of the bombed out gas chambers at Auschwitz, this survivor claims that the gas came in down the chimneys, therefore the survivor is lying, all survivors are lying, and the Holocaust can't have happened", "the Zyklon B that was used on the Jews was to delouse them (despite the fact that it is more lethal to humans than to lice) and the six million Jews that disappeared? Apparently that's where the post war American homeless came from...)
  2. The fact that the wealth of information and opinion is in favour of the Holocaust, which we have just proved didn't happen (and we're not even proper Historians!) proves that there is a vast Jewish Zionist conspiracy seeking to establish Jewish Supremacy - this truth must be told
  3. Once the world wakes up and realises the truth, it will have no choice but to... can you guess, readers???
This has made me feel physically sick. Even though I personally can't accept Israel's use of the Holocaust as a means by which to fake a moral highground (a trick they must have learnt from the Americans), I'm even more distressed by the use of the current Israeli-Palestinian struggle by neo-Nazis... no, not neo-Nazis, just fucking Nazis, to destroy the memory, the historical fucking fact, that 6 million individuals were systematically dehumanised and destroyed by an insane dictator.


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