Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

My Photo
Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

19 March, 2007

366 Days - 002

366 Days - 002
Originally uploaded by Simon Scott.
Oh, and here's picture number two. Thrilling!

Remember Me?

It's been a while, hasn't it. But much news!

I've recently found permanent employ, bringing a return to Edinburgh that little bit closer. I've also decided, perhaps foolishly, to take a self-portrait every day for my 23rd year.

Oh, and I've decided to start memorising things, and to return to a pursuit from my childhood, namely prestidigitation. It's what having nieces does to one. I'm working through Royal Road To Card Magic, Expert Card Technique, and a variety of other sources such as the wonderful work of Peter Duffie.

As for memorisation, I decided last night to memorise the top 73 of the 100 Greatest Stand-Ups show on Channel 4. The joy here is that you can do it while you watch the show, and once it's in, it's in. Of course, such knowledge is fantastically pointless, but the exercise is good. Imagine that! A use for list shows!