Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

04 December, 2005

Radical Underground

Radical Underground
Radical Underground,
originally uploaded by Simon Scott.
A suitably surreal photo on the way to see the League of Gentlemen Pantomime. Courtesy of the curious policy the Hammersmith Appollo have of putting the curtain time rather than the door time on the ticket we missed the very start of the show, but enjoyed the rest of it. The show seemed to build on the structure of the last tour. In that one the first half involved the boys doing their bits in dinner jackets, the way they used to pre-telly, and the second half was more costumes and catchphrases. This was, as a friend pointed out to me, just panto, and so it makes a certain kind of sense for them to literally do a panto this time round. The djs have gone, however, replaced by an abortive attempt to do a nativity play by those irascible Legz Akimbo. Interesting to see the one-shot characters from series three getting such strong responses from the crowd, too. I've been pleasantly surprised by both the film and the show... I think I' allowed to like them again now!


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