Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

14 December, 2004

A Storm Is Coming

Well, the conservative party spoke out in support of ID cards yesterday. That'll show old Tony Blairs. And just to show they had a clue, their key "argument" in favour was that it would be a good measure in the fight against terrorism.


If the terrorists are British, then they'll have a British ID. If the terrorists are not British, then they won't be travelling under a British ID card. Also, a biometric ID card will not project an invisible shield in a two meter radius that will deflect dirty bombs or hi-jacked planes. David Blunkett said that the cards would not be a "silver bullet" in the fight against terrorism. No. It'll be little more than a chocolate fireguard - a very, very expensive one.

What makes me really very cross indeed is that fact that, since 11th September 2001, we have not had a single terrorist action from any group that has actually come off. We've only ever had hard to substantiate threats that have been dealt with perfectly well by the authorities using the powers they already have. So why ID cards? What they are is little more than a security blanket for politicians, because politicians have the unfortunate duty to do their job in a building that is, following Mr Blair's war-mongering, doubtlessly high-up on the International Terrorism target list.

There is no coherent and sensible argument for ID cards, and if you need proof, start looking at what happens whenever politicians start talking in favour of them. Hard information will fly out of the window instantly to be replaced by woolly notions, vague terms with no reference. Here's Blunkett, quoted on the BBC site:

The home secretary ... said the plans were part of a package to tackle people's fears about crime and security, both real and "subliminal".
"Strengthening our identity is one way or reinforcing people's confidence and sense of citizenship and well-being," he told MPs.
"Know your true identity and being able to demonstrate it is a positive plus and is a basic human right which all of us should treasure."

So one of Blunkett's chief reasons for his pretend measure is to allay the fears his own party have been doing all they can to create in the public through their lies and misrepresented intelligence. And, Mr Blunkett, true identity is not something that exists in a document. I would burn my passport, saying "I refute you thus!"

And here's Mr Blair (impeachment pending):

"They will help protect civil liberties, not erode them, because people will be able to produce their own identification,"

There you go - protect civil liberty by controlling it? Protect civil liberty by fining people four-figure numbers for failing to carry or produce ID their papers? He might as well say "Hair shirts will help comfort people, because people will be able to take them off and feel much better."

"I simply point out that without proper security then there can be no opportunity."

This isn't security, though, Mr Blair, it is insecurity, and insecurity will only be increased, not decreased, by the cost and bother of enforced ID cards.

The more that ID cards are discussed, the more the current view held by those in power is shown to be that people are a product of government, when in fact it is the other way round. This is also the way that democracy is heading - that democracy is government, not civil business. The democracy we've been struggling so hard to bomb into the middle-east is falling apart, raped by lying prime ministers, wilfull disregard of constitutional duty, ineffectual opposition and partisanship that flies in the face of representation. And the more people feel their voices are not being heard, the more they will shout. Not so long ago I saw footage of the poll tax riots and was shocked at the size and anger of the crowds. Now, though, I have the strong suspicion that they will be dwarfed by what is to come.


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