Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

01 December, 2004

Do Not Pass Go

Well, the beginnings of the site are up! There's not a vast quantity of things to see and do as yet, just some stuff I've recycled from my old site in the brain probe section, the Pocket Simon from my long defunct Static site, the word CHEST (which will hopefully make sense later) and an as yet redundant interactive text. Oh, and this blog.

I have been dallying with the ancient oriental game go of late, and very naughtily splashed out on a set from a very famous London toy shop. The set was made in China, as were the instructions, which are happily (if you already know how to play) written in that strangely poetic broken English favoured by e-mail comiddy links.

So I typed it all up. I've not placed a link at the site as yet (damn me for my over-ambitious graphical interface), so you'll have to make do with this link here, for now. I dare say, now I've invested too much in the game to lose interest, there will be various go bits as time goes on.

And finally...

Topical comedy is trickier than it looks. Apparently what you've got to do is look at the events of the day, sit down and think of funny little connections and ironies that present themselves, and turn 'em into jokes. Take David Blunkett for example. He got into hot water a while back for saying that ID cards were like loyalty cards, didn't he? And now he's up before the beak (well, the civil service) after allegations he fast tracked his former-lover's nanny's visa application. And now he's demanding access to his child. Hmm, so what have we got? Loyalty cards... ID cards... visa... access... Oh fish-hooks I can't think of anything, and it looks so easy on Dead Ringers...


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