Thought, experience and memory from a brain in a jar, one that sometimes has control over a thirty-two-year-old Londonite.

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Location: Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom

17 June, 2005

That's not fair! You're cheating too!

"We are slightly caught with this London School of Economics work, because they have got this survey and they are dripping out bits of it. They haven't shown it (to) us ... the full text at all, and they are really running a media campaign with scare stories of this type which it is very difficult for us to deal with because they won't show us the basis from which they are doing the work,"
[Home Secretary Charles Clarke] told the [TODAY] programme.

Campaigners and politicians alike have been requesting that the Home Office release a full and explicit breakdown of their own figures, those resulting in the £93 and rising fee. Instead, those at the HO merely mutter "commercial sensitivity", ruffle their papers and change the subject. Now the LSE report is getting attention, and releasing its £300+ figure, again without (as yet) a complete breakdown, and Clarke is getting uppity? I'm glad that Clarke's work has been made more difficult. I'm glad that he has claimed the £300 figure to be "mad". If in the long-run the LSE report does show a likely breakdown of costs it will also demonstrate that Clarke lacks the knowledge, intelligence and imagination to put the Bill through Parliament in the first place.

Another thought has occured to me of late, and that is the fact that the Bill initally only brings in a voluntary scheme. With public support for the card falling and falling, had, I'm sorry, were the bill to go through, surely the intial take-up of the card will be dwindling. Considering the cost of the scheme will certainly be taken up with overheads to begin with, surely this will push the cost of individual cards up even further? Or will we be taxed more in order to pay for the scheme's lack of popularity. I suspect we'll happily never get to find out.


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